Remote Senior Developer

Full Time 3 weeks ago
Employment Information

We are in the process of developing an innovative and groundbreaking product—a messenger-based e-commerce platform that is set to revolutionize the way online markets operate. The core unit of this platform is a market, which can consist of anywhere from a single vendor to an unlimited number of vendors. This flexibility allows businesses of all sizes to participate. What makes our platform truly unique is the ease with which cross-market selling can be achieved, enabling vendors to reach a wider audience across different markets with minimal effort.

Our team has conducted extensive testing to ensure the platform's reliability and performance, and we are excited to announce that it is on track for a near-future launch. This platform represents a significant step forward in the e-commerce space, blending the convenience of messaging with the power of online marketplaces.

Your first major project with us will be crucial to the success of this venture. You will be tasked with creating a website that serves as a "mirror" to the messenger-based platform. This means that both the website and the messenger platform will function in parallel, offering users a seamless experience whether they are accessing the market via a web browser or through a messaging app. Your work will ensure that the two systems are perfectly synchronized, providing a consistent and user-friendly interface across all platforms.

Remote Job BD

New Things Will Always
Update Regularly

Remote Job BD